Start your career pathway

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DES participant Sean smiling after finding a job in the cafe behind him

Your unique abilities, dreams, and goals matter to us

If you have a disability, injury or health condition, and eligible to join Disability Employment Services (DES), we can help light your path to the career you want.

Our commitment goes beyond just helping you find a job – we're here to guide your journey every step of the way towards a fulfilling career you love.

We believe in creating an environment where your disability, injury, or health condition becomes a part of your strength.

With our friendly team cheering you on, you're not just kicking off a job search, you're making a promising move towards your dream career.

Unlock your career potential

Your support may include:

  • prioritising your interests and goals so together we can map out a path that aligns with what you genuinely want to do
  • support to explore training and upskilling options that enhance your skills and make you a standout candidate
  • using your valuable previous skills experience to pave the way for your future career
  • exploring local industries and opportunities that suit your skills and fit into your life
  • connecting with employers who might need exactly what you have to offer
  • exploring how a new start fits into the big picture of your career ambitions
  • ongoing support when you start work so you have everything you need to excel in your new role

A female DES participant speaking to a young female employer about career opportunities