Ongoing support

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APM consultant walking with a participant in their workplace

Our support doesn’t stop once you hire someone

When a Disability Employment Services participant from APM joins your business, there are a multiple benefits and support available to help your workplace thrive.

  • Settling in: We spend time with your employee to help them settle into their new role.
  • Performance standards: We work with your employee to ensure they meet your performance standards.
  • Team integration: We provide support and education to help your team welcome a person with a disability.
  • Issue resolution: We assist with any issues that arise during the employment period.
  • Workplace modifications: We support you in obtaining new equipment, tools, or making necessary workplace modifications.

Your dedicated APM employment consultant will stay in touch with you and your employee for at least six months, offering support, guidance, and advice as needed.

To learn more about how APM Employment Services can support your business, get in touch today or find your local APM office.

woman discussing with an APM employee smiling

Growing together

In addition to our post-placement support, we may also assist you and your employee with:

  • Workplace assessments to evaluate the need for modifications, training, or equipment
  • Organisational tools such as instructions, checklists, or reminders for multiple duties
  • Issue management with you and your employee to overcome any challenges that arise

Your employee’s success in your team is our top priority. If you feel they need more support after they start, you can contact your dedicated APM employment consultant at any time to discuss additional options.

Adapting to change

You don’t have to lose a valuable team member if their circumstances change. 

We may be able to help with any new challenges including the impact of a disability, injury, or health condition.

This can include access to:

  • Further training
  • Assessments for new equipment or modifications
  • Job redesign to accommodate their needs
  • Access to allied health services

If you have any questions or concerns about your new employee please get in touch with your employment consultant, your local APM team, or our customer service team on 1800 276 276.