DES is changing

Inclusive Employment Australia is replacing Disability Employment Services.

The new program is planned to start from 1 July.

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DES participant talks with an APM employment consultant

Disability Employment Services is changing

The Australian Government wants to make sure more people with a disability have the opportunity to find and keep a job.

That’s why they have announced from 1 July 2025, a new program called Inclusive Employment Australia, will replace the Disability Employment Services (DES) program.

What do you need to do?

If you’re a current DES participant you do not need to do anything yet.

Keep working with us, or your current provider, as normal.

We will be in touch to keep you informed about your program in the months and weeks leading up to the launch of Inclusive Employment Australia.

You can still register for DES

If you're not registered with a DES provider and looking for support you can still apply for DES.

Register with us and if you're eligible, we'll help you get started in achieving your employment goals.

What will the new Inclusive Employment Australia program mean for you?

Inclusive Employment Australia aims to offer better support that fits your needs.

Providers such as APM will work closely with you to understand your circumstances and help you reach your goals.

You can choose a provider who has the right skills to help you.


Customised support

Everyone's path to employment is different.

The new inclusive employment program will offer support based on where you are in your employment journey.

This includes help with resumes, job applications, connecting with employers, work experience, and work trials.

If you get a job, you will still get support to help you settle in and keep your job.


Supporting more people with disability

The new program will be open to anyone with a work capacity of up to 30 hours per week due to a disability, injury, or health condition. 

  • All current DES participants will continue to get services.
  • People with a work capacity of less than eight hours per week will be able to volunteer.
  • You do not need to receive an income support payment to be eligible.
  • There will be no two-year service limit. You can stay in the program as long as you need support.


Next Steps

If you're a DES participant, the Department of Social Services will contact you with further details. 

You will also hear from APM and your employment consultant too.

More Information

If you have any questions about the changes, speak to your APM employment consultant or call our support team on 1800 276 276.

You can also find out more on the Department of Social Services and JobAccess websites.

Alternatively call the Job Seeker Hotline on 13 62 68 or speak to a JobAccess Advisor on 1800 464 800.

If you are deaf or find it hard to hear or speak on the phone, you can connect with JobAccess through the National Relay Service (NRS) via Access Hub.


APM Employment Consultant in black polo smiling outside

Support for employers

Both existing and new employers will be able to access inclusive employment guidance from APM on recruitment, workplace practices, and tips on supporting their employees.

Employers can get help to:  

  • identify their business needs
  • find suitable candidates
  • access training
  • make workplace adjustments, job customisation and tailoring
  • provide safe and productive workplaces
  • retain employees with disability

Employers may also be eligible for the new wage subsidy. 

If you have any questions about the changes or support for your employee, speak to your local APM team, or call us on 1800 276 276.

You can also download the Employer Factsheet for the latest information about the new program.

APM Employment Consultant in black polo smiling outside

DES success stories