Meet Nicholas

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Nicholas at the gym

Patrons of Healthy Life gym are sure to know who Nicholas is.

He’s “a member of the family here” according to his employer Wendy.

After moving from Queensland to Western Australia, he was uncertain about his goals for his career and how he could achieve them.

Wanting to find his feet, Nicholas sought out APM Employment Services to help him find more sustainable employment.

With guidance and encouragement, 22-year-old Nicholas has found a steady starting point to grow.

Read a full transcript of this video. 

"Disability is just a different kind of ability"

Going above and beyond

Nicholas encountered difficulties looking for work by himself.

Seeking a role in the hospitality industry proved especially difficult with the lasting impact of COVID-19 lockdowns.

While applying for roles, he found some employers were not open to hiring people with disability or who needed a different approach to communication, giving instructions and roles in the workplace.

Nicholas lives with autism and was determined to find a starting point for his career.

He had several short-term work experiences, but none which had sustained him long-term.

It was clear to his Employment Consultant Mark he had a strong ability to interact and engage with people and enjoyed social work environments.

>“When I first met Nicholas, he didn’t know what would suit him” Mark said.

“I got to know who he was, what he loves and motivates him.”

Having previously assisted Healthy Life, Mark knew it would be a supportive workplace and ideal for Nicholas.

“I think they’re very accepting of my disability” Nicholas said.

Nicholas’ work involves cleaning, detailing, and sanitising all the gym equipment and facilities, often chatting with patrons while he does so.

During his first week, Mark visited Nicholas and stayed with him for the first 30 minutes of each shift to run through his to-do list and ensure he had everything he needed.

Employer Wendy said she “didn’t even realise he has a disability.”

Wendy added that Nicholas often comes in early “He enjoys his work, and he carries his work out happy.”

“He carries out his duties above and beyond.”

Nicholas cleaning gym equipment

"We’re a happy family here"

A bright spark

Through the Disability Employment Services program delivered by APM, Nicholas has found sustainable employment.

APM Employment Services has supported more than 120,000 job seekers with an injury, illness, or disability into work over the last two years.

“If a person has a disability, it doesn’t prevent them from doing or carrying out a normal role. I think they should be given the same rights and opportunities as everyone else” Wendy said.

She describes how hiring Nicholas has had a positive impact, opening the team at Healthy Life’s perspectives on people with disability:

“He comes in and we automatically have a smile on our faces when we see him” she said.

“Nicholas is a wonderful person, he brings a lot of joy, he’s humorous and he’s a bright spark.”

With the right support to find employment, Nicholas feels a lot more positive about the future.

From a shy an uncertain beginning, he’s become an enthusiastic and confident young man who is a valued employee.

Nicholas cleaning gym equipment

"I definitely feel more positive now"

Are you eligible for Disability Employment Services?

You can join APM for Disability Employment Services through Centrelink.

When you visit Centrelink, they carry out an employment assessment and if you're eligible, they will recommend you to a Disability Employment Services provider. Remember to ask to join APM so you get the best service when searching for employment.

To be eligible for Disability Employment Services, you must be:

  • An Australian resident aged from at least 14 to pension age
  • Receiving an income support payment, disability support pension, an NDIS participant or an eligible school leaver
  • Able to work between eight to 30 hours per week (with support when required)
  • Not studying full time (unless you’re an eligible school leaver)
  • Not already working at or above your assessed work capacity

If you're already receiving an income support payment, you can also register with us directly.

If you’re with another provider, but would like to change to APM, contact us and our teams will be happy to speak to you.

When you visit Centrelink, they carry out an employment assessment and if you are eligible, they will recommend you to a Disability Employment Services provider.

Remember to ask to join APM so you get the best service when searching for employment.

If you’re with another Disability Employment Services provider, but would like to change to APM, contact us and our teams will be happy to speak to you.

Frequently asked questions

APM is the largest provider of Disability Employment Services in Australia.

With more than 500 locations across the country we help more people into work than anyone else.

We know how hard it is to find work when you’re facing other challenges. We don’t just want you to find a job, we want to help you change your life for the better.

When you come to APM we get to know you so we can help you get the support that’s right for you.

We help you set realistic goals and keep you focused on finding a job that works for you.

There’s a job out there for you.

Let’s go find it.

Disability Employment Services (DES) is an initiative by the Australian Government to help people with an injury, illness or disability find and keep a job.

This can include helping people to:

  • manage health issues that may be making it hard to get work
  • identifying their strengths and work capabilities
  • developing skills for jobs and being part of a workplace
  • succeed when they start a new job with further information and support

APM is Australia’s largest contracted provider of Disability Employment Services and we deliver support programs to eligible people across the country.

You can join APM for Disability Employment Services through Centrelink.

When you visit Centrelink, they carry out an employment assessment and if you're eligible, they will recommend you to a Disability Employment Services provider. Remember to ask to join APM so you get the best service when searching for employment.

To be eligible for Disability Employment Services, you must be:

  • An Australian resident aged from at least 14 to pension age
  • Receiving an income support payment, disability support pension, an NDIS participant or an eligible school leaver
  • Able to work between eight to 30 hours per week (with support when required)
  • Not studying full time (unless you’re an eligible school leaver)
  • Not already working at or above your assessed work capacity

If you're already receiving an income support payment, you can also register with us directly.

If you’re with another provider, but would like to change to APM, contact us and our teams will be happy to speak to you.

When you register with APM for Disability Employment Services, we will contact you to confirm your eligibility and invite you for your first appointment.

You will get a local employment consultant who knows the employers, businesses and job opportunities near you.

They will listen to you and build a plan that takes into account your health, personal circumstances, interests and any skills or experience you may have.

Your plan will be unique to you and include steps to help with:

  • building your confidence
  • writing your resume and job applications
  • searching for suitable jobs with potential employers
  • preparing for interviews
  • access to services to manage health issues or barriers to work

With APM, you get the support, you get the skills and you get the rewards of having a valuable job.

Don’t miss out on a program made just for you, by one of Australia’s best-rated providers.

APM has some of the highest job placement rates in the country.

You can transfer to your nearest APM team in three easy steps:

  1. Call the National Customer Service Line on 1800 805 260
  2. Ask to transfer to APM
  3. Accept our invite to your first meeting

Join the thousands of APM job seekers who change their lives every year by finding valuable employment.

APM is Australia's largest provider of Disability Employment Services and we have more than 500 locations nationwide.

You can find your nearest APM team on our Find Us page.

There are jobs out there.

We can help you find them.