Points Based Activation System

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What is the Points Based Activation System (PBAS)?

Workforce Australia is the new way for job seekers to access the government’s employment services.

Workforce Australia Services, delivered by APM Employment Services, provides you with an enhanced service to overcome barriers to finding a job and to be work-ready.

In order to keep receiving income support payments from Centrelink, you need to meet your mutual obligation requirements while you search for work.

From 4 July, 2022, your mutual obligations will be part of the new Workforce Australia Points Based Activation System (PBAS).

This system aims to give you more choice in the tasks and activities you carry out as part of your mutual obligation requirements.

Please speak to your APM employment consultant or the DSCC if you have any questions about your points total or the activities in your Job Plan.

How to earn points

You’ll earn a certain number of points by completing tasks and activities in a reporting period.

These can include:

  • a minimum number of job searches
  • going for job interviews
  • stints of paid or voluntary work
  • work experience
  • training opportunities
  • online learning modules

Scroll down to see the list of activities and the points you can earn for each one.

Two people discussing paperwork

Meeting your points total

Your APM employment consultant will discuss the number of points you need to earn for each reporting period.

They will also discuss with you how to earn and how to report them.

Every participant's points total will depend on the support they receive and their circumstances, so you may have a different number of points to earn than other Workforce Australia participants.

Please remember, your income payments can be impacted if you don’t reach your number of points during the reporting period.

If you have any problems meeting your points total, speak to your APM employment consultant as soon as possible.

If you are self-managing your job search through Workforce Australia Online, reach out to the Digital Service Contact Centre (DSCC) by calling 1800 314 677 or email digitalservices@dese.gov.au.

How many points you can earn for each activity

Your APM employment consultant can help you with any questions about your points total or the activities in your Job Plan.

All tasks and activities are assigned a points value with more intensive activities attracting more points.

Tasks are generally short term, such as:

  • job applications
  • starting a job

Activities have a longer duration and require a medium to high level of attendance and commitment from you. These include participation in a range of Workforce Australia employment programs.

A list of tasks and activities that you may choose to undertake and their point values, are available on WorkforceAustralia.gov.au.

Click Activities and Points below to learn more.