Opportunity Knocks for job seekers and employers

Finding a job or finding an employee — this event works for everyone.

Opportunity Knocks is an event expo for APM clients, employers, and referral partners like training organisations. 

It’s where people can hand out their resumes, or even get interviewed on the spot. 

One-on-one conversations are key to matching the right people to the most suitable roles.

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Hosted by APM Employment Services, the event brought together a community of partners to share how services help both employers and job seekers to achieve their goals.

Rebecca, Business Development Manager at Dress For Success, has seen firsthand how helpful an expo like this can be.

Her organisation works with job seekers to help them find the right outfit for job seeking, interviews and succeeding in the workplace.

“APM do amazing work, and we love working with them,” she said.

“I come into an event like this, I get to speak to participants, hear about their journey and see where we can help support them.”

Rebecca from Dress for Success smiles at the community expo

Rebecca and Crystal, from Great Temptations, agree and have had success in finding good employees to suit their dedicated team.

“APM has been able to provide resumes, and candidates. They’ve been proactive and really supported us. And they've taken a lot of the hard work out of this process.”

Job seekers at the event also get to meet employers looking for jobs and other people who have found success through APM’s support.

Tayla, a participant in the Disability Employment Services (DES) program, learnt to rebuild her confidence and even practise for interviews, before eventually landing a position.

“I want to show people it doesn't matter what age you are, old or young, you can do anything.”

Rebecca and Crystal, from Great Temptations, make a heart with their hands

Paul, CEO Duke Education, is one of the training providers job seekers may access when registering with APM Employment Services.

Paul said he appreciates the ongoing support.

“What I love is how engaging and how friendly the staff are at APM. To be able to support what we're trying to do, give people with disabilities the best opportunity.”

Sandra, Managing Director, Blooming Supports, a provider of services for NDIS participants in the DES program also sees the benefits of their partnership with APM.

“It's very rewarding working with people with disabilities, especially when they want to do something and don't know where to go, who to ask for help,” she said.

Telia in a pink APM top smiles

Rebecca and Crystal, from Great Temptations, also understand how important events like this can be, assisting people to find work.  

“One thing we like with these events, even if we make one success story, it's helping one person, and you make their life a lot easier. Because we know people need work mentally and financially.”

Telia, APM Business Manager, sums up a common sentiment when discussing the partnerships with other organisations to support people and businesses in the community.

“I'm very proud to work for APM. We're very inclusive. Not just with our clients, but with our staff as well.”

Partnerships matter

We understand that the needs of a person, a business and a community are all different.

That's why we partner with employers and organisations in every community we deliver services.

Through these partnerships we are able to provider more tailored and unique support to job seekers and help businesses find and keep the right employees for their team.

Learn more about how our partnerships with local and national organisations enhance our services.

And if you want to partner with your local APM Employment Services team, get in touch. 

Discover your next superstar 

We’re proud to help thousands of people with disability, injury, or a health condition find a fulfilling job each year.

When you hire someone registered with Disability Employment Services (DES) you can access a range of support services and financial incentives.

These include wage subsidies up to $10,000 and funds for workplace modifications to enable your employee to succeed in their role.

Plus our support continues after they start with your business to ensure the best start for everyone.